Marie Dvorzak
Coding, Design & Research

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Marie Dvorzak
Coding, Design & Research
–> Selected Work
–> About

∆ Objects & Exhibitions:
–> Decline All
–> 200.000.000 x Second
–> The After Monument
–> Internationals in the city
–> A matter of Accessiblity
–> Attention Lab  

∆ Digital Projects:
–> Accessible Deep Learning
–> Wild Wireframekit
–> Liquid Font
–> Three.js Visualizations
–> Attention Lab

∆ Workshops & Lectures:
–> Relearning the Internet 

∆ Editorial Design:
–> Death Design Data

Three.js Visualizations

Both models are based on Three.js and show some form of audio visualization. One is a very direct translation of amplitudes into a 3D Model that consists of morphing tubes and a GLSL Shader that creates the illusion of light beams. The other is based on the integration of the Spotify API. Through an interface user can log-in and see their most listened to genres. By sending the link to a friend the second geometry loads and tastes in music can be compared.

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