Marie Dvorzak
Coding, Design & Research

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Marie Dvorzak
Coding, Design & Research
–> Selected Work
–> About

∆ Objects & Exhibitions:
–> Decline All
–> 200.000.000 x Second
–> The After Monument
–> Internationals in the city
–> A matter of Accessiblity
–> Attention Lab  

∆ Digital Projects:
–> Accessible Deep Learning
–> Wild Wireframekit
–> Liquid Font
–> Three.js Visualizations
–> Attention Lab

∆ Workshops & Lectures:
–> Relearning the Internet 

∆ Editorial Design:
–> Death Design Data

Attention Lab

Today’s digital environment is changing how we interact with information. Overstimulated and overloaded, we practice behaviours such as skimming and multi-tasking to cope – our attention span is decreasing, we are unlearning to engage deeply with content. The Attention Lab hopes to build a sustainable relationship between the self and information. It uses eye-tracking techniques to identify our highest cognitive response during the interaction with our laptops. A quick, jerky fixation of our gaze on a small area of our screen reveals high personal interest. This data sheds light on our selective perception, allowing us to look back at what we already found interesting and giving us tools to reflect and focus. The application allows you to walk through your own digital perceptual landscape to explore your own attentional focus.

Project by Pira Regenrecht
Technical Development by Marie Dvorzak
Eye Tracking Development by Maik Nothbaum

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