Marie Dvorzak
Coding, Design & Research

–> Selected Work –> Information–> E-mail

Marie Dvorzak
Coding, Design & Research
–> Selected Work
–> About

∆ Objects & Exhibitions:
–> Decline All
–> 200.000.000 x Second
–> The After Monument
–> Internationals in the city
–> A matter of Accessiblity
–> Attention Lab  

∆ Digital Projects:
–> Accessible Deep Learning
–> Wild Wireframekit
–> Liquid Font
–> Three.js Visualizations
–> Attention Lab

∆ Workshops & Lectures:
–> Relearning the Internet 

∆ Editorial Design:
–> Death Design Data


Death Design Data

‚Death Design Data investigates the experience of death and grief in the digital era - one that is saturated with information yet finds itself devoid of rituality - and how art and design could play a role in reconciling humans with death.‘ text and spreads by

The book’s design is inspired by digital aesthetics, with a particular focus on the concept of digital decay. This theme is expressed through several key design elements, starting with the patterns featured on the cover and epitaph pages. These patterns were derived from a simulation of the Game of Life algorithm, created by mathematician John Conway in 1970. Following three simple rules—birth, survival, and death—the algorithm generates patterns that showcase the fossilized traces of cells that have long since met their digital deaths.

Cecilia Casabona, Ginevra Petrozzi

Design & algorithmic graphics:
Marie Dvorzak

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