Marie Dvorzak
Coding, Design & Research

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Marie Dvorzak
Coding, Design & Research
–> Selected Work
–> About

∆ Objects & Exhibitions:
–> Decline All
–> 200.000.000 x Second
–> The After Monument
–> Internationals in the city
–> A matter of Accessiblity
–> Attention Lab  

∆ Digital Projects:
–> Accessible Deep Learning
–> Wild Wireframekit
–> Liquid Font
–> Three.js Visualizations
–> Attention Lab

∆ Workshops & Lectures:
–> Relearning the Internet 

∆ Editorial Design:
–> Death Design Data

200.000.000 Instructions x Second

Computers are so complex that information processing has become an incomprehensible concept for most. This leads to the belief that technology is unknowable, maybe even magical. To counter this, programmer and designer Marie Dvorzak made an object that reconnects the computation process to palpable physicality.
The amount of instructions required to run a program that draws a line on a computer has been monitored and translated into a corresponding number of moving styrofoam balls that can be observed and heard. Through this rematerialization 200 000 000 instructions x second aims to question the belief that technology operates outside of our comprehension and control.

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